General InformationI

Switch Management

Out-of-band (non-Fibre Channel) management access to HP products is provided through an Ethernet LAN connection to a switch front panel. The following out-of-band management access methods are provided:

Management through the HAFM application. The HAFM application includes the edge switch 2/16 Product Manager application. This GUI resides on the HAFM server and provides a single point of management for all directors and switches.

Operators at remote workstations can connect to the HAFM server through the local HAFM application and associated Product Manager applications to manage and monitor switches controlled by the HAFM server. A maximum of nine concurrent users (including a local user) can log in to the HAFM application.

Management using simple network management protocol (SNMP). An SNMP agent is implemented through the HAFM application that allows administrators on SNMP management workstations to access product management information using any standard network management tool. Administrators can assign Internet Protocol (IP) addresses and corresponding community names for up to six SNMP workstations functioning as SNMP trap message recipients.

Management through the Internet using the EWS interface installed on the switch. This interface supports configuration, statistics monitoring, and basic operation of the product, but does not offer all the capabilities of the corresponding Product Manager application. Administrators launch the web server interface from a remote PC by entering the product’s IP address as the Internet uniform resource locator (URL), then entering a user name and password at a login screen. The PC browser then becomes a management console.

Management through a customer-supplied remote workstation communicating with the HAFM server through a corporate intranet.

Management through the command line interface (CLI). The CLI allows you to access many HAFM and Product Manager applications while entering commands during a telnet session with the switch. The primary purpose of the CLI is to automate management of a large number of switches using scripts. The CLI is not an interactive interface; no checking is done for pre-existing conditions and no prompts display to guide users through tasks. Refer to the hp StorageWorks CLI reference guide for director 2/64, edge switch 2/16, and edge switch 2/32 (A6534-96027/AA-RQ7AB-TE).

Figure 1–2illustrates an example of out-of-band product management. In the figure, the managed product is an edge switch 2/16.