Event Codes
This appendix lists all
An event is an occurrence (state change, problem detection, or problem correction) that requires user attention or that should be reported to a system administrator or service representative. An event usually indicates a switch operational state transition, but may also indicate an impending state change (threshold violation). An event may also provide information only, and not indicate an operational state change. Event codes are grouped as follows:
•000 through 199 - system events.
•200 through 299 - power supply events.
•300 through 399 - fan module events.
•400 through 499 - CTP card events.
•500 through 599 - port module events.
•600 through 699 - SBAR module events.
•700 through 799 - Reserved for future use.
•800 through 899 - Thermal
Events can be recorded in the switch Event Logs at the HAFM server, or at a remote workstation if
In addition to numerical event codes, the tables in this appendix also provide a:
•Message - a brief text string that describes the event.
•Severity - a severity level that indicates event criticality as follows:
—0 - informational.
—2 - minor.