| Messages | |
| Message | Description | Action |
| You do not have a | The HAFM | Download a compatible |
| compatible version of | application version | version of the HAFM |
| the HAFM server | running on the HAFM | application to the remote |
| software. In order for | server differs from | workstation (client) using the |
| the HAFM application | the version running | web install procedure. |
| to function properly, a | on the remote |
| compatible version | workstation (client). A |
| must be installed on | compatible version |
| the client machine. | must be downloaded |
| Click OK to install a | from the HAFM |
| compatible version. | server. |
| You do not have | Configured user | Verify user rights with the |
| rights to perform this | rights do not allow | customer’s network |
| action. | this operation to be | administrator and change as |
| performed. | required. |
| You must define an | A simple mail transfer | Define the SMTP server |
| SMTP server | protocol (SMTP) | address at the Configure |
| address. | server address must |
| |
| be defined and |
| configured for |
| to be activated. |
| You must define at | At least one | Define an |
| least one | address must be | the Configure |
| address. | defined and | box. |
| configured for |
| to be activated. |
| You must define at | At least one IP | Define an IP address for at |
| least one remote | address for a remote | least one remote workstation |
| network address. | workstation must be | at the Session Options dialog |
| configured for a | box. |
| remote session to be |
| activated. |
| You must download | An attempt was made | Download a compatible |
| the HAFM client via | to download the | version of the HAFM |
| the web install. | HAFM application to | application to the remote |
| a remote workstation | workstation (client) using the |
| (client) using an | web install procedure. |
| improper procedure. |