General InformationI
Embedded Web Server DiagnosticsIf the hp StorageWorks
The embedded web server interface can be opened from a standard web browser running Netscape Navigator® 4.6 or higher or Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher. At the browser, enter the IP address of the switch as the Internet uniform resource locator (URL). When prompted at a login screen, enter a user name and password. When the interface opens, the default display is the View panel. Service personnel can perform the monitoring, configuration, maintenance and diagnostic functions as follows:
•View panel - quickly inspect and determine the operational status of the switch, and inspect switch properties and operating parameters, FRU properties, and Fibre Channel port properties.
•Configure panel - configure or change:
—Switch ports.
—Switch identification, date and time, operating parameters, and network addresses.
—SNMP trap message recipients.
—User passwords.
•Monitor panel - inspect and monitor:
—Fibre Channel ports and port performance statistics.
—The active zone set.
—Event log entries, and clear the IML LED at the front panel.
—Information about attached devices (nodes).
•Operations panel - perform the following operations and maintenance tasks:
—Enable port beaconing and perform port diagnostics (internal and external loopback tests).
—Reset Fibre Channel ports.
—Set the switch online state.