General InformationI

The user interface consists of the HAFM Services window (Figure 1–19), which provides HAFM application status and diagnostic information. The HAFM Services window consists of:

An event table that displays HAFM Services events that occurred since the HAFM application was started.

A status line at the bottom of the panel that provides a status indicator and message area.

Figure 1–19: HAFM Services Window

Event Table

The event table displays the last ten events that occurred since the HAFM application was started. Events that occurred during a prior instance of the application do not display. If a new event occurs while ten events display, the oldest event is discarded. A deeper event history is maintained in the form of a log file viewed through the HAFM application.

The events are internal error conditions detected by the HAFM application, and are not related to product-specific events reported by a switch. Events typically relate to HAFM audit log and file corruption, invalid product definition and firmware files, missing product services class, or missing version information.

The event table contains the following columns: