Message | Description | Action |
Error transferring files | An error occurred | Try the file transfer operation |
< message >. | while transferring | again. If the problem persists, |
| files from the PC hard | contact the next level of |
| drive to the product | support. |
| manager application. |
| The message varies, |
| depending on the |
| problem. |
Field cannot be | The data field | Enter appropriate information |
blank. | requires an entry and | in the data field. |
| cannot be left blank. |
File transfer aborted. | The user aborted the | Verify the file transfer is to be |
| file transfer process. | aborted, then click OK to |
| continue. |
File transfer is in | A firmware file is | Informational message |
progress. | being transferred | |
| from the HAFM |
| server hard drive, or |
| a data collection file |
| is being transferred to |
| a diskette. |
Firmware download | A firmware download | Retry the operation. If the |
timed out. | operation timed out | problem persists, contact the |
| and aborted. | next level of support. |
Firmware file I/O | A firmware download | Retry the operation. If the |
error. | operation aborted | problem persists, contact the |
| because a file I/O | next level of support. |
| error occurred. |
Firmware file not | The firmware version | Add the firmware version to |
found. | is not installed (or | the library and retry the |
| was deleted) from the | operation. |
| firmware library at the |
| HAFM server. |
Internal file transfer | The switch or director | Retry the operation. If the |
error received from | detected an internal | problem persists, contact the |
director. | file transfer error. | next level of support. |