Message | Description | Action |
The maximum | The maximum | Close a product manager |
number of open | number of open | session (existing open |
products has already | products allowed was | product) before opening a |
been reached. | reached. | new session. |
The maximum | The number of | Delete an existing product |
number of products | managed Hewlett | before adding a new product. |
has already been | Packard products |
configured. | (48) that can be |
| defined to the HAFM |
| application was |
| reached. |
The maximum | The number of | Delete an existing product of |
number of products | Hewlett Packard | this type before adding a new |
of this type has | products of this type | product. |
already been | (48) that can be |
configured. | defined to the HAFM |
| application was |
| reached. |
The maximum | A maximum of four IP | Delete an existing IP address |
number of remote | addresses for remote | before adding a new IP |
network addresses | workstations can be | address. |
has already been | configured at the |
configured. | Session Options |
| dialog box. That |
| number was reached. |
The maximum | A maximum of eight | Increase the number of |
number of HAFM | concurrent remote | remote sessions allowed (if |
application sessions | management | less than four), or terminate a |
has been reached. | sessions can be | session before attempting to |
| configured at the | initiate a new session. |
| Session Options |
| dialog box. The |
| specified number |
| was reached. |