

See Fibre Channel IP address.


See Fibre Channel management framework integration.


See Fibre Channel physical and signaling interface.

feature key

A unique key to enable additional product features. This key is entered into the Configure Feature Key dialog box in the Product Manager application to activate optional hardware and software features. Upon purchasing a new feature, Hewlett Packard will provide the feature

key to the customer.


The fiber-optic cable made from thin strands of glass through which data in the form of light pulses is transmitted. It is used for high-speed transmissions over medium (200 m) to long (10 km) distances.

fiber-optic cable

Synonym for optical cable.

fiber optics

The branch of optical technology concerned with the transmission of radiant power through fibers of transparent materials such as glass, fused silica, or plastic (E). Telecommunication applications of fiber optics use optical fibers. A single fiber or a nonspatially aligned fiber bundle is used for each information channel. Such fibers are often called optical fibers to differentiate them from fibers that are used in noncommunication applications (D).


A generic Fibre Channel term used to cover all transmission media types specified in the Fibre Channel Physical Layer (FC-PH) standard such as optical fiber, copper twisted pair, and copper coaxial cable.

Fibre Channel

FC. Integrated set of standards recognized by American National Standards Institute (ANSI) which defines specific protocols for flexible information transfer. Logically, a point-to-point serial data channel, structured for high performance.

Fibre Channel adapter

FC adapter. See host bus adapter.

Fibre Channel address

A 3-byte node port (N_Port) identifier which is unique within the address domain of a fabric. Each port may choose its own identifier, or the identifier may be assigned automatically during fabric login.