Message | Description | Action |
The link to the | The Ethernet | Establish and verify the |
director is not | connection between | network connection. |
available. | the HAFM server and |
| the switch or director |
| is down or |
| unavailable. |
The HAFM server is | The HAFM server PC | Wait until the process is |
busy processing a | is processing a | completes, then perform the |
request from another | request from another | operation again. |
product manager. | instance of a product |
| manager application, |
| and cannot perform |
| the requested |
| operation. |
Threshold alerts are | Threshold alerts are | Informational message. |
not supported. | not supported in |
| firmware releases |
| before 1.03.00. |
Unable to save data | The HAFM server | Retry the operation. If the |
collection file to | could not save the | condition persists, contact the |
destination. | data collection file to | next level of support. |
| the specified location |
| (PC hard drive, |
| diskette, or network). |
You do not have | Configured user | Verify user rights with the |
rights to perform this | rights do not allow | customer’s network |
action. | this operation to be | administrator and change as |
| performed. | required. |