


Entity that interconnects node ports (N_Ports) and is capable of routing (switching) Fibre Channel frames, using the destination ID information in the Fibre Channel frame header accompanying the frames. A switch is the smallest entity that can function as a complete switched fabric topology.

fabric element

Any active director, switch, or node in a switched fabric.

fabric login

The process by which node ports (N_Ports) establish their operating parameters. During fabric login, the presence or absence of a fabric is determined, and paths to other N_Ports are mapped. Specific operating characteristics for each port, such as buffer-to-buffer credit (BB_Credit) and data frame size, are also established.

fabric login command

FLOGI. The command that establishes the initial operating parameters and topology for a fabric. The command is accepted by a fabric port (F_Port).

fabric mode

See interoperability mode.

fabric port

F_Port. Physical interface within the fabric that connects to a node port (N_Port) through a point-to-point full duplex connection. See also bridge port; expansion port; generic port; node port; segmented expansion port.

fabric services

The services that implement the various Fibre Channel protocol services that are described in the standards. These services include the fabric controller (login server), name server, and management server.

fabric switches

A device which allows the communication between multiple devices using Fibre Channel protocols. A fabric switch enables the sharing bandwidth and end-nodes using basic multiplexing techniques.


Automatic and nondisruptive transition of functions from an active field-replaceable unit (FRU) that has failed to a backup FRU.


See Fibre Channel.