
connectivity attribute

In S/390 mode, the characteristic that determines port address status for the director or switch. See allowed connection; blocked connection; connectivity capability; connectivity control; dynamic connection; dynamic connectivity; unblocked connection.

connectivity capability

(1)The capability that allows attachment of a device to a system without requiring physical reconfiguration of either the device or the interconnections. (2) The director or switch capability that allows logical manipulation of link connections to provide physical device attachment (D). See also active port address matrix; connectivity attribute; connectivity control.

connectivity control

In S/390 mode, in a director or switch, the method used to change port address connectivity attributes and determine the communication capability of the link attached to the port (D). See also active port address matrix; connectivity attribute; connectivity capability.


Synonym for optical fiber connector.


See personal computer; server.

control processor card

CTP card. Circuit card that contains the director or switch microprocessor. The CTP card also initializes hardware components of the system after power-on. The card may contain an RJ-45 twisted pair connector. In the Edge Switch 2/16 and Edge Switch 2/32, the CTP card is the main circuit board of the switch and is not replaceable (not a FRU).


See buffer-to-buffer credit.

CTP card

See control processor card.

customer support

Synonym for technical support.


Channel operations running in block mode. This occurs when a channel is attached to a converter. This specifies the I/O operation mode for the channel path under the I/O configuration program (IOCP) channel path identifier (CHPID) statement Type parameter. Contrast with CBY.