wrap plug
Synonym for loopback plug.
wrap test
A test that checks attachment or control unit circuitry, without checking the mechanism itself, by returning the output of the mechanism as input. A wrap test can transmit a specific character pattern through a system and compare the pattern received with the pattern transmitted (D).
write authorization
Permission for an simple network management protocol (SNMP) management station with the proper community name to modify writable management information base (MIB) variables.
zip drive
A high capacity floppy disk and disk drive developed by the Iomega Corporation. Zip disks are slightly larger than conventional floppy disks. The storage capacity for zip disks is between 100 and 250 MB of data. The zip drive and disk is used for backing up the HAFM server, and is located on the communications tray behind the HAFM server.
Set of devices that can access one another. All connected devices may be configured into one or more zones. Devices in the same zone can see each other. Those devices that occupy different zones cannot. See also active zone set; zone set; zoning.
zone member
Specification of a device to be included in a zone. A zone member can be identified by the port number of the director or switch to which it is attached or by its port
zone set
A collection of zones that may be activated as a unit. See also active zone set; zone.
Grouping of several devices by function or by location. All devices connected to a connectivity product, such as the director or switch, may be configured into one or more zones. See also access control; zone.