Message | Description | Action |
Duplicate zone in | More than one | Delete one of the duplicate |
zone set | instance of a zone is | zones from the zone set. |
configuration. | defined in a zone set. |
Duplicate zone | More than one | Delete one of the duplicate |
member in zone | instance of a zone | zone members from the zone. |
configuration. | member is defined in |
| a zone. |
Error connecting to | While viewing routes, | Try the operation again. If the |
switch. | the HAFM server was | problem persists, contact the |
| unable to connect to | next level of support. |
| the switch. The |
| switch failed or the |
| |
| server Ethernet link |
| failed. |
Error creating zone. | The HAFM | Try the operation again. If the |
| application | problem persists, contact the |
| encountered an | next level of support. |
| internal error. |
Error creating zone | The HAFM | Try the operation again. If the |
set. | application | problem persists, contact the |
| encountered an | next level of support. |
| internal error. |
Error deleting zone. | The HAFM | Try the operation again. If the |
| application | problem persists, contact the |
| encountered an | next level of support. |
| internal error. |
Error deleting zone | The HAFM | Try the operation again. If the |
set. | application | problem persists, contact the |
| encountered an | next level of support. |
| internal error. |
Error reading log file. | The HAFM | Try the operation again. If the |
| application | problem persists, contact the |
| encountered an error | next level of support. |
| while trying to read |
| the log. |