

Setup Value

Bindery mode

In Print Server mode,. when controlling only

ENABLE : To use the


with NW4.1 NDS Mode, set Bindery Mode as



[Disable]. When connecting via NW4.1 Bindery

DISABLE: Not to use


Service and NW3.1, always set Bindery Mode

the function







NDS tree

In Print Server Mode, enter NDS Tree Name.

Default value


The File Server, where NetWare Print Server is



attached, belongs to this NDS tree.





NDS context

In Print Server Mode, enter the Context Name,

Default value

with which the Print Server was created.






Remote Printer



PSERVER name1-8

Enter Print Server Name to be attached in

Default value


Print Server Mode. 8 print servers may be

All None


designated at max. The value should be a



maximum of 31 characters or numbers.





JOB timeout

This is the time from receiving the last print

Default value


packet to relieving the Ethernet Board port at

10 sec.


the end of the print job, in the Remote Printer



Mode. When the set value is too short, the



packet delay may make the printing stop on the



way. Normally, please use the printer with the



default value. The value may vary from 4 to



255 seconds.








EtherTalk protocol

Set whether EtherTalk protocol is used.

ENABLE : To use the






DISABLE: Not to use



the function




Zone name

Enter EtherTalk zone name is required.

Default value



" " (None)








Setup Value


Printer Port





NetWare port name

For NetWare4.1, it is "Printer Name" of "Print Server

Default value



Information" in PCONSOLE.

"ML"+"last 6 digits of MAC



For NetWare3.1, it is "Printer Configuration" name found

Address" + "-prn1"



in "Print Server Configuration" of "Print Server




Information" in PCONSOLE.




This name is used only for NetWare. The value should




be a maximum of 31 alphanumerics characters.







EtherTalk port name

It is Printer Name used only for EtherTalk protocol. The

Default value



value should bea maximum of 31 alphanumeric

"ML"+"last 6 digits of MAC










BOJ string

Designate the character string transmitted to Printer

Default value



before outputting directly to the output port (lp port). Set

" " (None)



it when submitting such as control code before printing is




required. The value should be in 31 or shorter alphabets




or numbers. The special codes below may be assigned.




\ b

ASCII Back-space, code 0x08




\ t

ASCII Tab, code 0x09




\ n

ASCII Return, code 0x0a




\ v

ASCII Vertical tab, code 0x0b




\ f ASCII Page down, code 0x0c




\ r ASCII Esc code 0x0d




\ xnn HEX code expressed as nn




\ "

" code 0x22





\ code 0x5c







EOJ string

Designate the character string transmitted to Printer after

Default value



outputting directly to the output port (lp port). Set it when

" " (None)



submitting such as control code after printing is required.




The value should be a maximum of 31 alphanumeric




characters. The special codes are the same for BOJ












BOJ string(KANJI)

Designate the character string transmitted to Printer

Default value



before outputting to the output port via KANJI

" " (None)



filter(euc,sjis port). Set it when submitting such as control




code before printing is required. The value should be a




maximum of 31 alphanumeric characters. The special




codes are the same for BOJ string.







EOJ string(KANJI)

Designate the character string transmitted to Printer after

Default value



outputting to the output port via KANJI filter(euc,sjis port).




Set it when submitting such as control code after printing




is required. The value should bea maximum of 31




alphanumeric characters. The special codes are the




same for BOJ string.








Fast Ethernet 7100e+

Page 142
Image 142
Japan Tiger user manual Fast Ethernet 7100e+, Items Function Setup Value