Fast Ethernet
Configuring the AIX4.1.5
Configuring in order to print from the AIX of IBM.
If you type in a wrong IP address, the network may go
down or other severe damage may occur. Please set
the configuration only after consulting your network
The following explanation relates to an example in which [the
Fast EtherNet is configured to work with] OKIPAGE 8c(PS) as
the printer under HP-UX9.03. The absolute path of the
commands and the method of configuring may differ, depending
on the OS version. Please refer to your workstation’s manual.
Method of configuring
1. Log in as the root on the workstation.
In the case that there is no super user authorization,
leave the configuration to the network manager.
2. Register the IP address of the Fast EtherNet and the host
name in the /etc/hosts file.
Example: In the case that the IP address is “”
and the host name is “OP8c” OP8c
3. Use the ping command to confirm a connection with the
Fast EtherNet.
Example: If the host name is “OP8c”
# ping OP8c
In the event that there is no reply, there is a problem
with the registration of the Procedure 2 IP address
and the host name, or with the condition of the
network. Please consult your network manager.
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