Using JetAdmin
Some JetAdmin functions are supported.
Functions supported by JetAdmin
•On the main screen, the printer name will be listed under [Name], the Ethernet address under [Hardware Address], and the IP Address under [TCP/IP Address].
•In an environment from which the NetWare server can be logged in to, select [New] from the [Device] menu to acquire the Ethernet board as a new device.
•The following items can be configured in [Modify] in the [Device] menu.
•In [Device Information] you can set [Print Server Name] and [Description].
•Pressing [Next] takes you to the NetWare screen where the NDS tree and context information can be added.
•Under [Operating Mode], either [Queue Server Mode] or [Remote Printer Mode] can be selected.
•In [Remote Printer Mode] the Print Server, (Only if its name has 30 characters or less) and Printer number details have to be added.
•Under [Queues] section, you can register bindery mode queues. (This can be done only if the print server name has 30 characters or less).
•Pressing [Next] takes you to [TCP/IP] screen where automatic [DHCP], [BOOTP] or [Manual TCP/IP Setting] can be selected. If manual IP setting is selected then IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway and idle timeout settings must be configured.
•Go to [Option] – [AppleTalk] to alter [Apple Talk Name].
•The following items can be configured in [Properties] in the [Device] menu. Select the [Device] tab to view printer status. In the [JetDirect] tab, go to [Reset JetDirect Card] to reinitialise or reset card back to default settings. Select [Frame Type] to match what frame type your network uses. Select [Protocol Stack] to select [Windows/NT, HPUX, SunOS] or [EtherTalk]. Select [Time Interval] to set [Queue Polling Rate].
User Manual | 139 |