Section 1 Fax Operation (Basic Use)
(2) Procedure
Inch Version
[Ex.] To enter “Km@4”
1 Verify that the “Capital” key is highlighted and touch the “K” key.
Metric Version
[Ex.] To enter
Touch the “q Shift” key to switch from lowercase input to
1 uppercase input.
2 Touch the “Letter” key to switch to lowercase input.
Touch the “m” key.
Touch the “K” key.
Touch the “q Shift” key to switch from uppercase input back
3 to lowercase input.
Touch the “Num./Sym.” key to switch to input of numerals and other available symbols.
Touch the “@” key and then the “4” key.
Touch the “End” key to register the entered information.
4 Touch the “m” and then the
5 Press “4” on the keypad.
6 Touch the “Close” key to register the entered information.