Your keyboard also has two Windows keys: a Start key (which bears the
Windows logo), which allows you to pull up the Start menu, and a Menu
Key, which calls up pop-up menus just like the right mouse button (in
programs that support such menus).
Keyboard System Controls
In addition to its function as a normal keyboard, your keyboard also
contains controls for various aspects of your WinBook notebook, including
the intensity of the LCD screen. These controls appear in blue on the keys
and are activated by pressing the [Fn] key (the key in the lower left corner
of the keyboard-to the left of the [Ctrl] key) in conjunction with the key for
the specific control function (or by holding the [Fn] key while pressing the
key for the specific control function).
[Fn]+[F6] Mutes system audio.
[Fn]+[F7] Decreases system audio.
[Fn]+[F8] Increases system audio.
[Fn]+[F9] Expands the display to full screen in programs that
use a 640x480 mode.
[Fn]+[F10] If an external monitor is present, pressing this hot key
combination toggles the display between the built-in
LCD screen, the external monitor and simultaneous
display on both screens.
User’s Manual
X Manual WinME w/photos 2/01/01 3/19/01 4:23 PM Page 26