Sequence of Operation
The Simplicity Control will stage off the cooling as follows:
•If the space temperature is within 0.5° F of the “CV OCCUPIED COOLING SETPOINT” or
“CV UNOCCUPIED COOLING SETPOINT” the control turns off the System 2 compressors, if on, with a 30 second delay between the com- pressors provided the minimum compressor run times have been satisfied.
•If the space temperature is equal to or below the “CV OCCUPIED COOLING SETPOINT” or
“CV UNOCCUPIED COOLING SETPOINT” the control turns off the System 1 compressors with a 30 second delay between the compressors provided the minimum compressor run times have been satisfied.
The Simplicity Control has the following timing cooling functions:
•Minimum off time of 5 minutes.
•Minimum on time of 3 minutes – This param- eter can be programmed from between 1 and 10 minutes using the COOLING SETUP tab of the in the Simplicity PC software package.
Heating Operation – Occupied or Unoccupied
The Simplicity Control will stage on the heat as follows:
•When the space temperature is 1.5° F – 1.9° F below the “CV OCCUPIED HEATING” or “CV UNOCCUPIED HEATING SETPOINT” the control energizes the first stage of heat.
•When the space temperature is 2.0° F – 2.4° F below the “CV OCCUPIED HEATING” or “CV UNOCCUPIED HEATING SETPOINT” the control energizes the second stage of heat.
•When the space temperature is 2.5° F or more below the “CV OCCUPIED HEATING” or “CV UNOCCUPIED HEATING SETPOINT” the control energizes the third stage of heat.
The Simplicity Control will stage off the heat as follows:
•When the space temperature is 2.4° F below the “CV OCCUPIED HEATING” or “CV UNOC- CUPIED HEATING SETPOINT” the third stage of heating will turn off.
•When the space temperature is 1.9° F below the “CV OCCUPIED HEATING” or “CV UNOC- CUPIED HEATING SETPOINT” the second stage of heat will turn off.
•When the space temperature is 0.1° F above the “CV OCCUPIED HEATING” or “CV UNOC- CUPIED HEATING SETPOINT” the first stage of heating will turn off.
The Simplicity Control has the following heating timing functions:
•A minimum off time of 2 minutes.
•A minimum on time of 3 minutes.
•There is a 30 second time delay between stag- es.
Stand Alone
The following System Parameters must be programmed through the Simplicity Control:
•“CV OCCUPIED COOLING SETPOINT” – us- ing Parameter 10 under the PROGRAM key on the Simplicity control board or under the COOL- ING SETUP tab in the Simplicity PC software package.
•“CV OCCUPIED HEATING SETPOINT” – us- ing Parameter 11 under the PROGRAM key on the Simplicity control board or under the HEAT- ING SETUP tab in the Simplicity PC software package.
– using Parameter 12 under the PROGRAM key on the Simplicity control board or under the COOLING SETUP tab in the Simplicity PC software package.