Sequence of Operation
The following parameters must be programmed:
“SPACE TEMP TRENDING ALARM TEMP”- must be programmed under SYSTEM OPTIONS tab of the Simplicity PC software package.
“SPACE TEMP TRENDING ALARM TIME”- must be programmed under SYSTEM OPTIONS tab of the Simplicity PC software package.
Sequence of Operation
•To enable this feature “SPACE TEMP TREND- ING ALARM TEMP” must be set at other then zero.
•Set “SPACE TEMP TRENDING ALARM TEMP” to the number of degrees above or below the space temperature that you want temperature trending to begin. The range is 1.0° F to 25.0° F in 1.0° F increments.
•To enable this feature “SPACE TEMP TREND- ING ALARM TIME” must be set at other then zero.
•Set “SPACE TEMP TRENDING ALARM TIME” to the amount of time the space temperature must be trending above or below the “SPACE TEMP TRENDING ALARM TEMP” before a Space Temperature Alarm will be initiated. The range is 1 to 120 minutes in 1 minute increments.
•The unit must have been in a given operating mode for 10 minutes before trending will be- gin.
•Every time the trend moves towards the space temperature set point the “SPACE TEMP TRENDING ALARM TIME” will reset to zero
•When the temperature is above or below the
“SPACE TEMP TRENDING ALARM TEMP” and the trend continues to be away from the space temperature and the “SPACE TEMP TRENDING ALARM TIME” has expired, the Simplicity Elite control will declare a “SPACE TEMPERATURE” Alarm. The Simplicity Elite control will flash an Alarm Code 41.
•The Simplicity Elite control will continue normal operation while in this fault mode.
•The Simplicity Elite control will continue to show the fault until the space temperature is less then the “SPACE TEMP TRENDING ALARM TEMP”.
When this feature is turned on, the Simplicity Elite control monitors the supply air temperature in the heating mode and will generate an alarm if the supply air temperature goes below the set point, and if conditions are met, modifies the amount of ventilation air to keep the supply air temperature above this set point when all the heating stages are energized. This feature can only be used on unit operating in the VAV mode.
In order to use this feature the following parameter must be programmed:
“SUPPLY AIR TEMP ALARM SETPOINT FOR HEATING” – must be set under the HEATING SETUP tab of the Simplicity PC software package.
•If “SUPPLY AIR TEMP ALARM SETPOINT FOR HEATING” is set to zero this feature is dis- abled. If not set to zero, then the setting becomes the alarm set point.
•Set “SUPPLY AIR TEMP ALARM SETPOINT FOR HEATING” to the temperature you want to use for the Alarm set point. The range is 1.0° F to 120.0° F in 1.0° F increments.
Sequence of Operation
“Supply Air Temp Alarm Setpoint for Heating”
•The control will initiate a “SUPPLY AIR TEMP ALARM FOR HEATING” and flash an Alarm Code 39 if the following conditions are met:
–All the stages of heating have been on for 10 or more minutes.
–The supply air temperature is 20 degrees below the “SUPPLY AIR TEMP ALARM SETPOINT FOR HEATING” set point for 10 minutes.
–The outdoor air is not 20.0° F or more cooler then the “SUPPLY AIR TEMP ALARM SETPOINT FOR HEATING” set point.
–The outdoor air damper is not open more than 20%
•In order to reset the above Alarm power to the unit must be cycled on and off.