AMD | P R E L I M I N A R Y |
TCR13: Pin Configuration A
This register is the Pin Configuration A register. This register is used to set the state of various pins as outputs or as high impedance inputs.
Bit | Name | Reset Value | Description | |
7 | LNKEN | 1 | Link LED Enable. LNKEN can be used to control the function of the | |
| LNK LED output. The control of the function of the LNK pin is de- | |
| scribed in the | |
6 | LFPEEN | 1 | LFPE Enable. LFPEEN is used to determine the function of the | |
| LFPE pin. The control of the function of the LFPE pin is described in | |
| the | |
5 | HFPEEN | 1 | HFPE Enable. HFPEEN is used to determine the function of the | |
| HFPE pin. The control of the function of the HFPE pin is described | |
| in the | |
4 | SDCLKEN | 1 | SDCLK Enable. SDCLKEN is used to determine the function of the | |
| SDCLK pin. The control of the function of the SDCLK pin is de- | |
| scribed in the | |
3 | SDS3LEN | 1 | SDSEL3 Enable. SDS3LEN is used to determine the function of the | |
| SDSEL3 pin. The control of the function of the SDSEL[3] pin is de- | |
| scribed in the | |
2 | SDS2LEN | 1 | SDSEL2 Enable. SDS2LEN is used to determine the function of the | |
| SDSEL2 pin. The control of the function of the SDSEL[2] pin is de- | |
| scribed in the | |
1 | SDS1LEN | 1 | SDSEL1 Enable. SDS1LEN is used to determine the function of the | |
| SDSEL1 pin. The control of the function of the SDSEL[1] pin is de- | |
| scribed in the | |
0 | RXPELEN | 1 | RXPE Enable. RXPELEN is used to determine the function of the | |
| RXPE pin. The control of the function of the RXPE pin is described |
in the Multi-Function Pin section.
TCR14: Pin Configuration B
This register is the Pin Configuration B register. This register is used to set the state of the USER[4:0] pins as outputs or as high impedance inputs.
Bit | Name | Reset Value | Description | |
7 | USER7EN | 0 | USER7 Enable. USER7EN, the ISA PnP registers 70h and 71h, | |
| and the PCMCIA pin setting are used to determine the function of | |
| the USER7 pin. The USER7 pin can be programmed to function as | |
| either an input or an output. | |
| The control of the function of the USER7/IRQ11 pin is described in | |
| the | |
6 | LLOCKEN | 0 | LLOCKE Enable. LLOCKEN and the PCMCIA pin are used to de- | |
| termine the direction of the LLOCKE/SA15 pin. When LLOCKEN is | |
| set to a 1 and the PCMCIA pin is set to 1, then the LLOCKE/SA15 | |
| pin is enabled to drive both high and low output values. LLOCKE | |
| output values are determined by the LLOCKE bit of TIR11. When | |
| LLOCKEN is reset to a 0, then the LLOCKE pin is forced to a high- | |
| impedance state. Reads of the LLOCKE bit of TIR11 will yield the | |
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| Am79C930 |