1.Command and status communication
2.Data buffer areas
3.Am79C930 80188 core variable space
After performing these functions, the device driver will enable the 80188 core by writing to a register to release the RESET of the Am79C930 80188 core. The Am79C930 80188 core will then begin fetching instruc- tions from the Flash memory and will eventually execute code that causes it to recognize the command area that the driver has set up in the SRAM.
The Am79C930 80188 core will begin by initializing reg- isters contained within the TAI unit. Once this has been completed, status will be written to the SRAM command and status area, and an interrupt will be sent first to the system interface's status register and then to the system interface bus. The device driver will acknowledge and clear the interrupt, and then will write the next command to the SRAM command and status area, setting an inter- rupt for the Am79C930 80188 core.
Flash memory information for system configuration (PCMCIA CIS or ISA Plug and Play Resource Data) will normally be
Note: Normal system configuration utilities must be dis- abled before this is attempted.
Frame Transmission
Frame transmission is initiated by the device driver. The device driver first places the frame data into the SRAM in the transmit data buffer area. Then the device driver writes the appropriate set of transmit commands to the command area of the SRAM and sets an interrupt bit in one of the system interface registers. An interrupt to the Am79C930 80188 core will be generated, and the Am79C930 80188 core will respond by examining the command area of the SRAM. The transmit command will instruct the Am79C930 80188 core to move the transmit data from the data buffer area of SRAM into the TAI unit's transmit (TX) FIFO. The move may be accom- plished either through the use of programmed I/O moves or DMA moves. DMA channel 1 of the 80188 core is reserved for use by the TX FIFO.
After waiting for appropriate timing intervals as specified in the IEEE 802.11 (draft) and the Xircom Netwave stan- dards, the Am79C930 80188 core will write the transmit command to the TAI, and the TAI will begin sending the transmit data stream to the transceiver. During the transmission procedure, the TX FIFO will require occa- sional refilling. The request for additional TX data will be acknowledged by the Am79C930 80188 core until the entire TX frame has been sent to the transceiver. When the last byte of data has been sent, a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) field will automatically be appended to the frame by the TAI unit when the CRC function has been enabled. Preamble and Start of Frame Delimiters will not be automatically generated by the TAI unit and, therefore, must be supplied by the firm- ware as part of the data that is loaded into the TX FIFO. CRC bytes are automatically appended by the TAI after the TX FIFO empties.
When all bytes, including CRC bytes, have been sent to the transceiver, TX status information will be gathered and placed in the SRAM for delivery to the device driver. Then, an interrupt to the system will be generated.
Frame Reception
Frame reception is initiated by the network. When the appropriate network signaling is recognized (a Pream- ble plus Start of Frame Delimiter) in the TAI unit, the TAI will begin placing received data into the receive (RX) FIFO. As the RX FIFO becomes filled with data, it will re- quest that data be removed by asserting the DMA chan- nel 0 input of the Am79C930 80188 core. The 80188 core will move the received data from the RX FIFO into the SRAM data buffer space and will examine the desti- nation address. If the address does not match the ad- dress of the Am79C930 subsystem, then the frame will be rejected by the Am79C930 device. If the frame ad- dress does match the address of the Am79C930 subsystem, then the frame will be accepted. When all bytes of the receive frame have been placed into the SRAM's data buffer space and the receive status has been placed into the SRAM, the Am79C930 80188 core will send an interrupt to the system. The device driver will respond to the interrupt by reading the command and status area of the SRAM. Then the device driver will move the received frame from the SRAM into the sys- tem memory. Finally, the device driver will write status to the SRAM to release the data buffer back to the Am79C930 80188 core for use in a later reception.
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