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Syntax metric-order default
Hash persist hold down timer
Minimum required configuration
Resetting Gslb policy metrics
Web access
Show commands
Gslb for IPv6 feature support
Using only passive RTT
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ServerIron ADX Global Server Load Balancing Guide
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ServerIron ADX
Brocade Communications Systems, Incorporated
ServerIron ADX Global Server Load Balancing Guide
Gslb for IPv6 feature support
Global server load balancing for IPv6 overview
Gslb for IPv6 example
Supported hardware and software
Document conventions
Text formatting
Bold text
Getting technical help or reporting errors
Web access
Mail and telephone access
Related publications
Global Server Load Balancing
Global Server Load Balancing overview
Basic concepts
Global Server Load Balancing overview
Global Server Load Balancing configuration
Gslb example
Gslb policy
Weighted IP metric
Server health
Weighted site metric
Site ServerIron ADX’s session capacity threshold
Active bindings metric
Geographic location of the server
Site ServerIron ADX’s connection load
Site ServerIron ADX’s available session capacity tolerance
Site ServerIron ADX’s FlashBack speed
Site ServerIron ADX’s administrative preference
Least response selection
Round robin selection
Minimum required configuration
Basic controller and site communication
Syntax show gslb policy
Configuring Gslb
Configuring Gslb
Proxy for DNS server
Adding a source IP address
Proxy for DNS server
Syntax no server source-ipip-addr ip-mask default-gateway
Configuring a site
Enabling the Gslb protocol
Syntax no gslb protocol
Specifying site locations
Syntax no gslb site name
Configuring a zone
Specifying Gslb controller locations
Syntax no gslb dns zone-name name
Applying Gslb to Cname records
Syntax no dns cname-detect
Configuring Http health check parameters
Cname status is shown in bold type
Configuring DNS domain name aliases
Configuring null host names
Configuration example
Syntax host-info host-namealias alias-name
Private VIPs for Gslb
Syntax dns override
Configuring a public IP address for a VIP
Private VIPs for Gslb
Private VIP display information
Displaying Gslb IP information
Show gslb dns detail the following is an example
Configuring Gslb protocol parameters
Changing the protocol port number
Syntax show server virtual-name-or-ip
Syntax show gslb site
Changing the Gslb protocol update period
Modifying Gslb parameters related to DNS responses
Syntax no protocol status-interval num
You can modify the following DNS-related Gslb parameters
Removing IP addresses for sites that fail a health check
Syntax no dns best-only
Changing the query interval
Syntax no dns check-interval num
Changing the TTL for DNS records
Syntax no dns ttl num
Syntax no dns ttl Enabling DNS override
Syntax no dns override
Changing the Gslb policy metrics
Configuring Gslb protocol parameters Gslb policy metrics
Metric Default Configuration options
Connection load
Changing the order of Gslb policy metrics
Syntax no metric-order set list
Syntax metric-order default
Disabling or re-enabling individual Gslb policy metrics
Clearing DNS selection counters
Syntax clear gslb dns zone-name name
Implementing the weighted IP metric
DNS response processing
Configuring weighted IP metrics
Syntax no weighted-ip Syntax no gslb dns zone name
Syntax host-info www ip-weight IP address weight
For name, enter up to 32 characters
Implementing the weighted site metric
Syntax show gslb dns zone
San Jose 50% New York 30% London 20% Total 100 100%
Traffic distribution specifications
Configuring weighted site metrics
Syntax no weighted-site Syntax gslb site site name
Syntax weight weight
First example shows the first two sites
Syntax show gslb traffic site
Implementing the active bindings metric
Site Three
Enabling active bindings
Configuring weighted active bindings
Gslb active bindings enhancements
Configuring connection load parameters
Specifying the site connection limit
Syntax no connection-load limit average-load
Changing the sampling intervals and sample rate
Changing the sample interval weight
Syntax no connection-load weights weight1 weight2...weight8
Changing the FlashBack tolerance values
Syntax no capacity threshold num
Syntax no num-session tolerance num
Syntax no flashback application tcp tolerance num
Modifying round-trip time values
Changing the RTT cache interval
Syntax no round-trip-time cache-interval num
Changing the RTT cache prefix
Syntax no round-trip-time cache-prefix num
Changing the RTT tolerance
Syntax no round-trip-time explore-percentage num
Adding static prefix cache entries
Enabling default geographic location
Secure Gslb
Gslb message content randomization
Configuring secure Gslb
RSA challenge dialogue
Secure Gslb
Configuring secure-communication on the controller
Generating RSA key pair
Exchanging public keys
Bob sends back his public key
Selecting a peer public key management option
Regenerating the session keys
Manually regenerating the session keys
Dynamically regenerating the session keys
Syntax clear gslb session-keys
Site persistence in Gslb using stickiness
Minimum Gslb configuration
Site persistence in Gslb using stickiness
Enabling sticky Gslb
Configuring the sticky Gslb session life time
Allowing sticky sessions for a specific prefix length
Syntax no sticky
Syntax no sticky age value
Displaying current sticky Gslb sessions
Syntax show session all offset
Sticky Gslb counters
Syntax show gslb dns detail
Site persistence in Gslb using hashing
Deleting sticky Gslb session for a specific client
Deleting all sticky Gslb sessions
Enabling hash-based Gslb persistence
Hashing scheme
Syntax show gslb phash table
IP address allocation
IP address failure or removal from domain
Rehash new IP address for a domain or change of state
Disabling rehash
Syntax hash-persist persist-rehash-disable time-out
Manually forcing rehash for a domain
Syntax hash-persist hold-down time
Show commands
Weighted distribution of sites with hash-based persistence
Weighted distribution of sites with hash-based persistence
Syntax show gslb phash table zone-name name host-name name
This section contains the following subsections
Gslb weighted hash-based persistence
Gslb hash-based persistence
Hashing scheme
IP address allocation
IP address failure or removal from domain
Rehash change in hash weight
Disabling rehash on change in hash weight configuration
Enabling weighted hash-based Gslb persistence
Syntax no hash-persist weighted
Syntax no prefix-len-hash-persist length
Configuring weights for domain IP addresses
Disable rehash when weight for an IP is changed
Syntax host-info host-nameip-hash-weight IPaddress weight
Hash persist hold down timer
Syntax no hash-persist disable-weight-rehash
Show commands
Manually forcing rehash for a domain
Clear Gslb phash counters
Syntax show gslb policy host-policy-name policy-name
Displaying the contents of active RTT cache entries
Defining the affinity
Syntax gslb affinity
Displaying RTT prefix cache entries
Syntax show gslb cache ip-addr
Gslb domain-level affinity
Displaying affinity selection counters
Overview of Gslb domain-level affinity
Syntax show gslb dns detail name
Command line interface
Configuring an affinity for prefix
Creating a domain-level affinity group
Associating the domain-level group with a domain
Show gslb affinity-group group-number
Syntax show gslb affinity-group group-number
Show gslb resources
Syntax show gslb resources
DNS cache proxy
DNS cache proxy
Show gslb dns detail
Syntax show gslb dns detail zone-name
To enable DNS cache proxy, enter the following commands
Enabling DNS cache proxy
Displaying DNS cache proxy state
Syntax no dns cache-proxy
DNS cache proxy Disable the default
Displaying DNS cache proxy statistics
Syntax show gslb global-stat
Combining the DNS cache proxy and DNS override features
Gslb DNS type any query
Transparent DNS query intercept
Transparent DNS query intercept configuration
Redirecting queries
Transparent DNS query intercept
Syntax no server remote-name name ip-addr
Syntax no source-nat
Syntax no port dns
Syntax no server virtual-name-or-ip name ip-addrintercept
Redirecting queries and perform Gslb
Syntax no bind dns real-server-namedns
Syntax ip policy index cache udp dns global
Responding to queries directly
Displaying transparent DNS query intercept statistics
Syntax dns transparent-intercept
Enabling DNS request logging
Syntax no gslb log-dns
Each message shows the following information
Support for the RTT metric
Enabling DNS request logging Gslb request information
Distributed health checks for Gslb
BP support as Gslb agent
Enabling DNS request logging
Syntax no si-name name ip-addrno-si-dist-health-check
Configuring the health status reporting interval
Syntax no si-name name ip-addrenable-si-dist-health-check
Disabling or re-enabling distributed health check
Syntax no no-distributed-health-check
Configuring the agent health report interval
Debugging the distributed health check
Syntax no health-status-interval secs
Syntax no agent-health-report-interval secs
Impact of distributed health checks on the Flashback metric
Configuration examples
Dnssec Example with Authentication Chain
Steps involved in a Dnssec resolution are
Dnssec Gslb in DNS proxy mode
Verification with DIG
Configuring Dnssec for Gslb
Cache proxy mode
Configuring a zone for Dnssec
Configuring a backend Adns server as Dnnsec capable
Displaying Dnssec configuration
Displaying Dnssec statistics
Syntax no port dns use-dnssec-servers-for-dns-queries
Syntax no server use-dnssec-servers-for-dns-queries
Configuring host-level policies
Host-level policies for site selection
Global vs host-level policy
Host-level policies for site selection
Configuring the parameters for the host-level policy
Defining a name for a host-level Gslb policy
Syntax no dns active-only
Removing all IP addresses except the best address
To re-enable this metric, enter the following command
Disabling or re-enabling the Flashback metric
Syntax no flashback
Modifying Flashback tolerance
Enabling the Geographic metric
Syntax no geographic
Enabling the Health Check metric
Syntax no health-check
Resetting the order of the metrics
Configuring the Num-session Tolerance
Enabling the Num-session metric
Syntax no num-session
Enabling the Preference metric
Syntax no weighted-ip
Enabling the weighted site metric
Syntax no round-robin Enabling the Round-Trip-Time metric
Syntax no round-trip-time Changing the RTT tolerance
Syntax no weighted-site
Displaying host-level policy information
Applying a host-level policy to a Gslb host
Displaying a host-level policy
Displaying all Gslb policies
Syntax show gslb policy host-policy-all
Displaying the policy used for hosts
Displaying the number of host-level policies
Syntax show gslb dns zone I detail
Configuration example
Deleting Gslb host-level policies
Deleting a policy that is not applied to a host
Syntax clear gslb host-policy policy-name
Geographic region for a prefix
How geographic location is determined
Configuring a geographic prefix
For IPv4
For IPv6
Displaying the number of geographic prefixes
Displaying information about geographic prefix
Geographic region for a prefix
Syntax show gslb cache IP address prefix
Example configuration
Syntax show gslb cache all geographic user-configured
Smoothing mechanism for RTT measurements
Smoothing mechanism for RTT measurements
90% of 20ms + 10% of 40ms = 22ms
90% of 22ms + 10% of 1 sec = 119ms
Enabling enhanced RTT smoothing
Syntax gslb enhanced-rtt-smoothing
Configuring the parameters
Disabling enhanced RTT smoothing
Specifying the ramp-up-factor
Syntax no ramp-up-factor value
Specifying the ramp-down factor
Syntax no ramp-down-factor value
Syntax enable-sim-new-rtt-smooth
Syntax disable-sim-new-rtt-smooth
State gets cleared. You can command in the simulation
Syntax rtt-val value
Smoothing mechanism for RTT measurements
Smoothing mechanism for RTT measurements
Determining if the new RTT smoothing mechanism is enabled
Round-trip times
Passive RTT gathering
Round-trip times
Active RTT gathering
Passive RTT gathering
Support for both active and passive RTT
Active RTT gathering
Active RTT gathering issues and trade-offs
Enabling active RTT
Syntax no gslb disable-rtt-gathering
Discarding passive RTT
Disabling passive RTT gathering
Syntax no gslb active-rtt-gathering
Configuring active RTT parameters
Configuring active RTT query message interval
Configuring the cache interval for active RTT prefix
Specifying how often to report the active RTT
Configuring the active RTT refresh interval
Setting the RTT algorithm modes
Syntax no gslb agent-rtt-refresh-interval value
Using only passive RTT
Syntax gslb dns-probe enable-fallback
Syntax gslb dns-probe disable-fallback
Probes for RTT gathering
Accepting DNS RTT measurements
Aging out prefixes when Icmp probe fails
Aging out prefixes when DNS probe fails
Enabling the DNS prober
Sending DNS probes on a different port
Active RTT gathering and high availability support
Displaying RTT information
Displaying the RTT gathering mechanism
Displaying the active RTT gathering configuration
Syntax show gslb active-rtt-info
Displaying the RTT information of a client IP address
Round-trip times Show Gslb active RTT information
Syntax show gslb cache ip-address
This field Displays
Displaying the RTT algorithm mode
For example, enter a command such as the following
Configuring an HA group
Gslb affinity for high availability
Gslb affinity for high availability
Enabling dynamic detection
Displaying HA information
Displaying all HA groups
Displaying the HA peer for a site
Syntax no gslb dynamic-peer-detect
Displaying the dynamically detected HA pairs
View the configured HA group using the following command
Gslb affinity for HA
This command requires a reload to take effect
Gslb optimization
Optimized VIP list processing
Syntax no gslb process-vip-list-optimize
Syntax no si ip-addressoptimized-dist-hcheck
Syntax no gslb send-vip-list-optimize
Syntax no gslb dont-send-active-bindings
On the site ServerIron ADX, configure the following commands
Gslb optimization
Guidelines and recommendations for using this feature
Displaying Gslb information
Displaying site information
Displaying Gslb information
Syntax show gslb site name
Name parameter specifies a site name
Displaying real server information
Displaying Gslb information Global SLB site information
Syntax rshow remote-ip-addrserver real virtual session bind
Displaying DNS zone and hosts
Syntax show gslb dns zone name
Displaying detailed DNS information
Host a Flashback
Displaying metric information
Displaying the default Gslb policy
Syntax show gslb default
Displaying Gslb information Gslb policy information
Displaying the user-configured Gslb policy
ServerIronADXconfig# show gslb cache
Static prefix cache entries on
This command shows the following information Gslb resources
Displaying Gslb resources
Displaying dynamic server information
Displaying Gslb information Gslb resources
Port binding information The TCP and UDP ports
Session statistics Another way to list the real servers
Displaying dynamic real server information
Displaying virtual server information
Syntax show server dynamic real
Displaying the port bindings
Listing the real servers
Syntax show server dynamic virtual
Syntax show server dynamic bind
Specifying the source IP of probes
Displaying information in the prefix cache
Syntax gslb src-ip-active-rtt ip-address
Syntax show gslb cache all
Syntax show gslb cache all affinity
Syntax show gslb cache all geographic static
Syntax show gslb cache all ip-addr
Syntax show gslb cache ip-addrlonger-than prefix-length
Snmp traps and syslog messages
Snmp traps and syslog messages
Syntax show gslb cache ip-addrsmaller-than prefix-length
Syslog messages
Syntax show logging
Gslb error handling for unsupported DNS requests
Syntax no snmp-server enable traps trap-type
Disabling and re-enabling traps
Default settings for Gslb error handling
Using Gslb error handling with transparent intercept mode
Error handling response format
Disable or re-enabling Gslb error handling
Configuring the return code
Gslb error handling for unsupported DNS requests
Viewing error handling statistics
Clearing the error handling statistics
Syntax clear gslb unsupported-response-cnt
Gslb error handling for unsupported DNS requests
Global Server Load Balancing for IPv6
Global server load balancing for IPv6 overview
Gslb for IPv6 feature support
IPv6 Gslb configuration
Gslb for IPv6 example
Basic Gslb for IPv6 configuration
On Gslb ServerIron ADX controller
Configuring the Gslb controller
Basic Gslb for IPv6 configuration
Adding a VIP for the Adns server
Enabling DNS cache proxy
Configuring zones
Enabling DNS override
Specifying DNS override IP lists
Syntax no host-info host-nameip-list ipv6-address
Host-nameparameter specifies the host name
Configuring sites
Site ServerIron ADX configuration
Basic configuration example
Configuration on Gslb ServerIron ADX Gslb controller
Enabling the Gslb protocol
Configuration on site ServerIron ADXs
Enable the Gslb protocol on each of the Site ServerIron ADXs
Advanced Gslb configuration for IPv6
Gslb site persistence
Configuring Gslb policy metrics for IPv6
Refer to Server host health
Not supported
Changing the order of Gslb for IPv6 policy metrics
Refer to FlashBack speed metric
Syntax no metric-order set list
Resetting Gslb policy metrics
Server host health metric
Weighted IP metric
Enabling the weighted IP metric
Specifying the weight of IP addresses in the IP list
Advanced Gslb configuration for IPv6
For zone-name, enter up to 32 characters
Weighted site metric
Traffic distribution specifications
DNS response processing
Configuring weighted site metrics
Session capacity threshold metric
Active bindings metric
Enabling active bindings
Syntax no active-bindings
Configuring weighted active bindings
Geographic location metric
Configuring a geographic prefix
Specifying site locations
Specifying Gslb controller locations
Available session capacity metric
FlashBack speed metric
Administrative preference metric
Configuring administrative preference for a site
Least response selection metric
Round robin selection metric
Sticky persistence for IPv6
Enabling sticky persistence for IPv6
Specifying sticky session prefix lengths
Specifying sticky session life times
Deleting sticky sessions
Syntax no sticky ipv6-prefix-length decimal
Hash-based persistence for IPv6
Specifying hash-based persistence prefix lengths
Weighted hash-based persistence for IPv6
Manually forcing a rehash for a domain
Syntax no ipv6-prefix-len-hash-persist decimal
Configuring weights for domain IP addresses
Disabling rehash when weight for an IP is changed
Configuring DNS response parameters
Configuring an active-only policy
Configuring a best-only policy
Gslb of ANY queries
Displaying Gslb for IPv6 configurations
Show commands for basic Gslb configurations
Displaying DNS cache proxy statistics
Displaying the default Gslb policy
Displaying Gslb for IPv6 configurations
Displaying the user-configured Gslb policy
Displaying information about a geographic prefix
ServerIronADX VIP ===
Displaying DNS zone and hosts
When you configured the zone information
X100us Counters 2001db8abc Cfg
Zone-nameparameter specifies a particular Gslb zone
Specifying the weight of IP addresses in the IP list on
Displaying site information
ServerIronADXconfig# show gslb site
Administrative preference metric on
Show commands for advanced features
Displaying the hash table
Site-nameparameter specifies a site name
Troubleshooting Gslb for IPv6 configurations
Clearing Gslb phash counters
Displaying Gslb debug counters
Syntax show gslb ipv6 phash active-ip allocation table
Troubleshooting Gslb for IPv6 configurations
Troubleshooting IPv6 lists
Debug trace for Gslb
Syntax show gslb message IPaddress
Syntax debug track feature gslb algorithm sticky generic all
Troubleshooting Gslb for IPv6 configurations
South America
IPv6 address assignment
Address Designation