1-84 EMC Connectrix DS-32B2 and ED-12000B Fabric OS Reference Manual
Telnet Commands
configUploadCreate a backup file of switch configuration information on a host
Syntax configUpload ["host", "user" ,"file" [,"passwd"]]
Availability Admin
Description Use this command to upload the switch configuration to a host file.
The upload process uses FTP.
If the command is entered without operands, it becomes interactive
and prompts the user for input.
The configuration file is written as three sections. The first section
contains the switch boot parameters. It has variables such as the
switch’s name and IP address. This section corresponds to the first
few lines of output of the configShow command.
The second section contains general switch configuration variables,
such as diagnostic settings, fabric configuration settings, and SNMP
settings. This section corresponds to the output of the configShow
command (after the first few lines), although there are more lines
uploaded than shown by the command.
The third sections contains the zoning configuration parameters.
Fabric OS v3.0 also supports RSHD protocol for configuration uploads.
RSHD does not require the passwd operand.
In Fabric OS v4.0 no spaces are allowed between operands.
Operands This command has the following operands:
host Specify a hostname or IP address in quotation marks; for
example, "citadel" or "". The
configuration file is downloaded from this host system.
This operand is optional.
user Specify a username in quotation marks; for example,
jdoe. This username is used to gain access to the host.
This operand is optional.