configDownload 1-81
Telnet Commands
Operands This command has the following operands:
Example To download a backup configuration from a host system:
switch:admin> configDownload "citadel", "jdoe", "config.txt"
Committing configuration...done.
download complete
Errors Listed below are possible reasons for a failure of this command:
◆The host name is not known to the switch.
◆The host IP address cannot be contacted.
◆The user does not have permission on the host.
◆The user runs a script that prints something at login.
◆The file does not exist on the host.
◆The file is not a switch configuration file.
◆The RSHD or FTP server is not running on the host.
◆The configuration data contains errors.
See Also configDefault
host Specify a host name or IP address in quotation marks;
for example, "citadel" or "". The
configuration file is downloaded from this host system.
This operand is optional.
user Specify a username in quotation marks; for example,
"jdoe". This usernam e is used to g ain access to the host.
This operand is optional.
file Specify a file name in quotation marks; for example,
"config.txt". Absolute pathnames may be specified
using forward slash (/). Relative pathnames create the
file in the user’s home directory on UNIX hosts, and in
the directory where the FTP server is running on
Windows hosts. This operand is optional.
passwd Specify a password in quotation marks. This operand is