1-434 EMC Connectrix DS-32B2 and ED-12000B Fabric OS Reference Manual
Telnet Commands
switchEnableEnable the switch.
Syntax switchEnable
Availability Admin
Description Use this command to enable the switch. All Fibre Channel ports that
passed POST are enabled. They can come on line if connected to a
device, or remain off line if disconnected. A switch may need to be
enabled if it was previously disabled to make configuration changes
or to run diagnostics.
If the switch is connected to a fabric, it rejoins the fabric. When this
command is issued, the 10 second fabric stability count down is
displayed. If this switch remains the principal switch at the end of the
count down, then it assigns itself a domain ID. If another switch
assumes the principal role, then this switch becomes a subordinate
switch, and accepts a domain ID from the principal. See FC-SW for a
complete description of this process.
As each port is enabled, the front-panel LED changes to green for
online ports, black for disconnected ports, or yellow for un-initialized
Operands None
Example To enable a switch:
switch:admin> switchEnable
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
fabric: Principal switch
fabric: Domain 1
See Also switchDisable