switchdiagshort 1-431
Telnet Commands
switchdiagshortRun disagnostics on a DS-32B2.
Syntax switchdiagshort
Availability Admin
Description Use this command to run a suite of diagnostics tests on the specified
switch. To run this command you must install loopback plugs on
every port. The tests executed are:
Compared to switchdiag, this is a limited test for switch
functionality which does not involve backplane connections. The
switch must be disabled to run this command.
Options None
Example To run a suite of diagnostics on the DS-32B2:
switch:admin> switchdiagshort
Testing: user ports: 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 11 10 9 8 15 14 13 12
Running Port Register Test ....
Test Complete: "portregtest" Pass 1 of 1
Duration 0 hr, 2 min & 23 sec (0:2:23:443).