switchShow 1-437
Telnet Commands
switchShowDisplay switch and port status.
Syntax switchShow
Availability All users
Description Use this command to display switch and port status information.
Information may vary by switch model. Below is the information
provided. The first section provides switch summary information; it
is followed by a section covering summary information by port.
Table1-30 shows switch summary informatio n:
Table 1- 30 Switch Summary
Switch Description
switchName Switch symbolic name.
switchType Switch type designation.
switchState Switch state: online, offline, testing, faulty.
switchRole Switch role: principal, subordinate, disabled.
switchMode Switch mode: native, interop. This value is only
displayed in v3.0
switchDomain Switch domain ID: 1-239.
switchId Switch embedded port D_ID.
switchWwn Switch World Wide Name.
switchBeacon The switch’s beaconing state (either ON or OFF).
blade_n:Beacon Blade’s beaconing state (either ON or OFF).
Each blade is numbered by its position in the
ED-12000B chassis (from 1 to 10). This
parameter is for v4.0 only.
Zoning Displays the switch zoning mode (ON or OFF).
This value is only displayed in v3.0.