1-336 EMC Connectrix DS-32B2 and ED-12000B Fabric OS Reference Manual
Telnet Commands
portLEDTestExercise the user port LEDs.
Syntax portLEDTest [-npass count | -port portlist]
Availability Admin
Description Use this command to exercise the LEDs on a switch blade. This
command flashes the switch User Ports LEDs on and off by setting
the ATTN LEDs to green for on condition and black for off condition.
The SPEED LEDs are initially set to black before the command is
executed. The SPEED LEDs are set to green once the command is
Disable the switch using switchDisable before using this command.
After the command has finished, the ATTN LEDs flash amber
indicating the command has finished. Enable the switch using
switchEnable to set the ATTN LEDs back to black.
Options This command has the following operands:
Example To flash the user port LEDs for a blade:
switch:admin> portledtest
See Also switchdisable
-npass count Specify the number of times to perform
this test. The default value is 1. This
operand is optional.
-ports portlist Specify user port number to exercise the
LEDs. The default value is to exercise
LEDs all active user ports. This operand is