licenseAdd 1-227
Telnet Commands
licenseAddAdd license key to switch.
Syntax licenseAdd "license"
Availability Admin
Description Use this command to add a license key to a switch.
Some features of the switch and of the fabric to which it is connected
are optional licensed products. Without a license installed for such
products, the services are not available.
A license key is a string of approximately 16 upper and lower case
letters and numbers. The license key string is case-sensitive; it must
be entered exactly as issued. If mistyped, the license may be accepted,
but licensed products will not function.
When the key has been entered, use the licenseShow command to
check that the key has been correctly entered and the licensed
product installed. Once the key has been installed, the product is
immediately available.If no licensed products are shown, then the
license is invalid.
After entering a license, the licensed product is available immediately
and the system does not need to be rebooted. The exception is a
QuickLoop-only system; these must be rebooted after adding a fabric
license to allow fabric logins.
Operands This command has the following operand:
Example To add a license key to the switch:
switch:admin> licenseAdd "bQebzbRdScRfc0iK"
adding license key "bQebzbRdScRfc0iK"
See Also licenseHelp
license Specify a license key in quotation marks. This
operand is required.