diagesdports 1-113
Telnet Commands
Set ESD skip ports list.
Syntax diagesdports [list | -show]
Availability Admin
Description Use this command to set the ESD IDLE PORTS list. The list is saved in
nonvolatile memory and stays in that mode until the next execution
of diagesdports.
The ESD IDLE ports are used by several of the functional test
methods to disable testing on the specified list of ports when ESD
mode is enabled (see setesdmode). The exact type of port list and the
exact use of this list are determined by each test method.
The mode becomes active as soon as this command is executed. It
does not require a reboot to take effect.
Operands This command has the following operands:
Example To add ports 1 through 3 to the ESD Idle port list:
switch:admin> diagesdports 1-3
ESD Idle Port list is now 1-3.
Config update Succeeded
switch:admin> diagesdports -show
ESD Idle Port list is 1-3.
See Also diaghelp
list Specify a valid port list. This must be a list of
ports seperated with commas (for example, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6), or a range of ports indicated with a
hyphen character (for example, 2-6). This
operand is optional.
-show Specify this operand to display ESD idle ports
list. This operand is optional.