1-136 EMC Connectrix DS-32B2 and ED-12000B Fabric OS Reference Manual
Telnet Commands
Operands This command has the following operand:
Example To display the error log without page breaks:
switch: switch:admin> errDump
Error 03
0x2a5 (fabos): Jun 14 12:03:51
Switch: 0, Debug HAMKERNEL-IP_UP, 5, (session=3) Heartbeat up from
Standby CP
Error 02
0x2a5 (fabos): Jun 14 12:03:50
Switch: 0, Info HAM-REDUNDANT_INFO, 4,
(Heartbeat Up) System in REDUNDANT state
Error 01
0x28b (fabos): Jun 14 12:01:27
Switch: 0, Error EM-CP_ERR, 2, CP in slot 5 set to faulty because of
See Also errShow
-s swinst Specify a non-zero value to display the saved error log
from the previous switch system reboot. This operand is
optional. This operand is only available in v4.0.
-p This is an optional parameter to specify a switch instance
number in an ED-12000B switch. This parameter is
required on the Standby CP. This parameter should not
be used on the Active CP. You must follow -s with the
switch instance number where the command is to be
executed. Valid values for switch instance are 0 (for the
switch instance associated with slots 1 through 4) or 1
(for the switch instance associated with slots 7 through
-a Display messages from the active error log. This displays
error log messages logged during the current run time
cycle that are present in the volatile memory (RAM).