1-324 EMC Connectrix DS-32B2 and ED-12000B Fabric OS Reference Manual
Telnet Commands
portCfgShowDisplay port configuration settings.
Syntax portCfgShow [slotnumber/][portnumber]
Availability All users
Description Use this command to display the current configuration of all ports.
The following configuration information is displayed:
◆Port Speed is displayed as 1 G, 2 G, or AN (when in Auto speed
Negotiation mode). This value is set by the portCfgSpeed
◆Trunk Port is displayed as ON when port is set for trunking or
blank (..) when trunking is disabled on the port. This value is set
by the portCfgTrunkport command.
◆The Long Distance setting of the port is shown as blank (..) when
long distance mode is off, L1 when the 1 Gb and 2 Gb link is up to
50 km, or L2 when the 1 Gb link is up to 100 k m and the 2 Gb link
is up to 50 km. This value is set by the portCfgLongDistance
◆The VC Link Init mode data is shown as blank (..) when the long
distance link initialization option is turned off and (ON) when it
is turned on. This value is set by the portCfgLongDistance
◆Locked L_Port is displayed as ON when port is locked to L_Port
only or blank (..) when L_Port lock mode is disabled (and it
behaves as a U_Port). This value is set by the portCfgLport
◆Locked G_Port is displayed as ON when the port is locked to
G_Port only or blank (--) when G_Port lock mode is disabled (and
it behaves as a U_Port). This command is set by the
portCfgGport command.
◆Disabled E_Port is displayed as ON when the port is not allowed
to be an E_Port, or blank (--) when the port is allowed to function
as an E_Port. This command is set by the portCfgEport