configure 1-95
Telnet Commands
Portlog Events E nable Use these parameters to specify which events create an entry in the port log. The Portlog Events fields are shown in Table1-7:
Table 1- 7 Configure Command Portlog Events Parameters
Field (Valid Values) Default Value
start: a switch start or re-start event (on, off): [on]
disable: a port is disabled (on, off): [on]
enable: a port is enabled (on, off) : [on]
ioctl: a port I/O control is executed (on, off): [on]
Tx: a frame is transmitted (on, off): [on]
Tx1: a frame is transmitted, class 1 (on, off): [on]
Tx2: a frame is transmitted, class 2 (on, off): [on]
Tx3: a frame is transmitted, class 3 (on, off): [on]
Rx: a frame is received (on, off): [on]
Rx1: a frame is received, class 1 (on, off): [on]
Rx2: a frame is received, class 2 (on, off): [on]
Rx3: a frame is received, class 3 (on, off): [on]
stats: port status or statistics (on, off): [on]
scn: a state change notification (on, off): [on]
pstate: a port changes physical state (on, off): [on]
reject: a received frame is rejected (on, off): [on]
busy: a received frame is busied (on, off): [on]
ctin: a CT based request is received (on, off): [on]
ctout: a CT based response is transmitted (on, off): [on]
errlog: a message is added to the error log (on, off): [on]
loopscn: a loop state change notification (on, off): [on]
create: a task is created (on, off): [on]
debug: generic debug info (on, off): [on]