3-12 EMC Connectrix DS-32B2 and ED-12000B Fabric OS Reference Manual
Fabric OS Version Comparison
switchCfgTrunk Yes Yes
switchDisable Yes Yes
switchEnable Yes Yes
switchName Yes Yes
switchReboot No Yes Reboots the current logical switch
in ED-12000B
switchShow Yes Yes
switchShutdown No Yes Specific to the ED-12000B
switchStart No Yes Specific to the ED-12000B
switchStatusPolicySet Yes Yes
switchStatusPolicyShow Yes Yes
switchStatusShow Yes Yes
switchuptime No Yes New command in v4.0
syslogdIpAdd Yes Yes
syslogdIpRemove Yes Yes
syslogdIpShow Yes Yes
systemtest No Yes New command in v4.0
tempShow Yes Yes
topologyShow Yes Yes
trackChangesSet Yes Yes
trackChangesShow Yes Yes
trunkDebug Yes Yes
trunkShow Yes Yes
turboRamTest Yes Yes Addition of the slot operand
txdpath No Yes New command for v4.0
uptime Yes Yes
Table 3- 1 Fabric OS Command Version Support (continued)
Command Supported in v3.0 Supported in v4.0 Notes