switchName 1-435
Telnet Commands
switchNameDisplay or set switch name.
Syntax switchName ["newName"]
Availability All users (display)
Admin (set)
Description Use this command without an operand to display the current switch
name. This name is also shown in the Telnet prompt, under each
switch icon on the Web Tools Fabric View, and in the output of many
Telnet commands.
Use this command with the newName operand to assign a new switch
name. Switch names can be up to 19 characters long, must begin with
an alpha character, and can consist of a combination of alpha,
numeric, and underscore characters.
Changing the switch name causes a domain address format RSCN to
be issued (see FC-FLA for a description of RSCNs).
Operands This command has the following operand:
Example To change a switch name to sw10:
switch:admin> switchName "sw10"
Committing configuration ...
See Also switchShow
newName Specify a new name for the switch, in quotation
marks. This operand is optional.