fazoneCrea te 1-153
Telnet Commands
fazoneCreateCreate a Fabric Assist zone.
EMC does not support this command.
Syntax fazoneCreate “fazoneName”,“member; member”
Availability Admin
Description Use this command to create a new Fabric Assist zone. You must
specify a name and member list for a Fabric Assist zone. The FA zone
name must be unique from any previously used Fabric Assist zone
object. The member list must be enclosed in quotation marks and
each member must be separated by a semicolon.
A Fabric Assist zone name is a C language-style name. It must begin
with a letter and be followed by any number of letters, digits, and
underscore characters. Names are case-sensitive, for example
“Zone_1” and “fazone_1” are different Fabric Assist zones. White
space is ignored.
The Fabric Assist zone member list must have at least one member.
Empty lists are not allowed.
When a Fabric Assist zone member is specified by physical fabric
port number, then any and all devices connected to that port are in
the Fabric Assist zone. If this port is an arbitrated loop, then all
devices on the loop are in the Fabric Assist zone.
WWNs are specified as eight hex numbers separated by colons, for
example “10:00:00:60:69:00:00:8a”. Zoning has no knowledge of the
fields within a WWN; the eight bytes are simply compared with the
node and port names presented by a device in a login frame (FLOGI
or PLOGI).
When a Fabric Assist zone member is specified by node name, then
all ports on that device are in the Fabric Assist zone. When a Fabric
Assist zo ne memb er is sp ecifie d by por t name, only th at singl e devic e
port is in the Fabric Assist zone. Zone alias names have the same
format as Fabric Assist zone names and are created with the
aliCreate command. The alias must resolve to a list of one or more
physical fabric port numbers, WWNs, or a Fabric Assist host.