setgbicmode 1-393
Telnet Commands
setgbicmodeEnable or disable GBIC mode.
SSyntax setgbicmode [mode | -show]
Availability Admin
Description Use this command to enable or disable the GBIC mode. If the mode
operand is 1, GBIC mode is enabled; if the mode operand is 0, GBIC
mode is disabled. The mode is saved in flash memory and stays in the
GBIC remains in that mode until the next execution of setGbicMode.
The mode becomes active as soon as this command is executed. It
does not require a reboot to take effect.
The GBIC mode, when enabled, forces crossPortTest and spinSilk
to limit testing to ports with GBICs present. Consequently, testing is
limited to those ports with a suspected problem.
Operands This command has the following operand:
Example To enable or disable GBIC mode:
switch:admin> setgbicmode 1
Config update Succeeded
GBIC mode is now 1 (Enabled).
switch:admin> setgbicmode
GBIC mode is now 1 (Enabled).
See Also crossPortTest
mode Specify 1 to enable GBIC mode or 0 to disable
GBIC mode. If no mode is specified the current
value is displayed. The mode is saved in
non-volatile memory and remains unchanged
until the next execution of the setgbicmode
command. This operand is optional.
-show Specify the -show operand to display the current
setting. This operand is optional.