LSDbShow 1-239
Telnet Commands
uOutIfs Internal variable.
uPathCost Internal variable.
uOldHopCount Internal variable.
uHopsFromRoot Internal variable.
mOutIfs Internal variable.
parent Internal variable.
mPathCos Internal variable.
mHopsFromRoot Internal variable.
lsAge Age, in seconds, of this LSR. An LSR is
removed from the database when its age
exceeds 3600 seconds.
reserved Reserved for future use.
type Type of t he LSR . Al wa ys 1 .
options Always 0.
lsId ID of this LSR. It is identical to the domain
advertiser ID (domain number) of the switch that
originated this LSR.
incarn Incarnation number of this LSR.
length Total length (in bytes) of this LSR. Includes
header and link state information for all links.
chksum Checksum of total LSR, with exception of
lsAge field.
linkCnt Number of links in this LSR. Each link
represents a neighbor in NB_ST_FULL state.
flags Always 0.
Table 1- 16 LSDbShow Display Fields (continued)
Field Description