1-252 EMC Connectrix DS-32B2 and ED-12000B Fabric OS Reference Manual
Telnet Commands
msConfigureConfigure the Management Server.
Syntax msConfigure
Availability Admin
Description Use this command to display and configure parameters used to
access the Management Server. The Management Server allows an
enterprise storage network (ESN) management application to retrieve
and administer fabric and interconnect elements such as switches. It
is located at the Fibre Channel address, FFFFFAh.
If the access control list (ACL) is empty (this is the default value), the
Management Server is accessible to all systems connected in-band to
the fabric. To restrict access, specify the World Wide Name (WWN)
for one or more management applications; access is then restricted to
those WWNs.
The ACL is implemented on a per-switch basis and should be
configured on the switch to which the management application
station is directly connected.
This command is interactive and provides the following choices:
0 — Done (with the administration)
1 — D isplay the access control list (ACL)
2 — Add member based on its Port/Node WWN
3 — D elete member based on its Port/Node WWN
If a change is made, you are prompted to save the changed ACL to
flash memory. The saved ACL is restored on future reb oot.
Operands None