1-86 EMC Connectrix DS-32B2 and ED-12000B Fabric OS Reference Manual
Telnet Commands
configureModify system configuration settings.
Syntax configure
Availability Admin
Description Use this command to change the following system configuration
◆Fabric parameters
◆Virtual channel settings
◆Switch Operating Mode
◆Zoning Operation parameters
◆RSCN Transmission Mode
◆NS Pre-zoning Mode
◆Arbitrated Loop parameters
◆System services
◆Portlog events enable
Do not run this command on an operational switch. First disable the switch
using the switchDisable command.
The configure command is navigated using a series of menus. Top-
level menus and associated submenus consist of a text prompt, a list
of acceptable values, and a default value (in brackets).
Use the following options to control input:
Return When entered at a prompt with
no preceding input, accepts the
default value (if applicable) and
moves to the next prompt.
Interrupt (control-C)* Aborts the command immediately
and ignores all changes made.