1-292 EMC Connectrix DS-32B2 and ED-12000B Fabric OS Reference Manual
Telnet Commands
perfCfgSaveSave performance monitoring configuration settings to flash memory.
Syntax perfCfgSave
Availability Admin
Description Use this command to save the current end-to-end and filter
configuration settings (data structures) of performance monitoring
into flash memory. This enables the performance monitoring
configuration to be saved over power off cycles.
This command requires a Performance Monitoring license.
Operands None
Example To save the current performance monitoring configuration to firmware:
switch:admin> perfCfgSave
This will overwrite previously saved Performance Monitoring
settings in FLASH ROM. Do you want to continue? [y|n]y
Please wait ...
Committing configuration...done.
Performance monitoring configuration saved in FLASH ROM.
See Also perfCfgClear