g-10 EMC Connectrix DS-32B2 and ED-12000B Fabric OS Reference Manual
FLOGI Fabric Login. The process by which an N_Port determines whether a
fabric is present, and if so, exchanges service parameters with it. See
also PLOGI.
FL_Port Fabric loop port. A port that is able to transmit under fabric protocol
and also has arbitrated loop capabilities. Can be used to connect an
NL_Port to a switch. See also F_Port and Fx_Port.
Frame The Fibre Channel structure used to transmit data between ports.
Consists of a start-of-frame delimiter, header, any optional headers,
the data payload, a cyclic redundancy check (CRC), and an end-of-
frame delimiter. There are two types of frames: link control frames
(transmission acknowledgements, etc.) and data frames.
FRU Field replaceable unit. A component that can be replaced on site.
FS Fibre Channel Service. A service that is defined by Fibre Channel
standards and exists at a well-known address. For example, the
Simple Name Server is a Fibre Channel service. See also FSP.
FSP Fibre Channel Service Protocol. The common protocol for all fabric
services, transparent to the fabric type or topology. See also FS.
FSPF Fabric Shortest Path First. A routing protocol for Fibre Channel
Full Duplex A mode of communication that allows the same port to
simultaneously transmit and receive frames. See also Half Duplex.
Full Fabric The EMC software license that allows multiple E_Ports on a switch,
making it possible to create multiple ISLs.
Fx_Port A fabric port that can operate as either an F_Port or FL_Port. See also
F_Port and FL_Port.
GG_Port Generic port. A port that can op erate as either an E_Port or F_ Port. A
port is defined as a G_Port when it is not yet connected or has not yet
assumed a specific function in the fabric.