firmwareDow nload 1-167
Telnet Commands
If no operand is specified, the operation becomes interactive and you
are prompted for input.
Example To download a firmware file:
switch:admin> firmwaredownload
Server Name or IP Address:
User Name: johndoe
File Name: /v4.0.2/release.plist
Password: xxxxxx
Full Install (Otherwise upgrade only) [Y]:
Do Auto-Commit after Reboot [Y]:
Reboot system after download [N]: y
Start to install packages......
dir ##################################################
terminfo ##################################################
<output truncated>
glibc ##################################################
sin ##################################################
Write kernel image into flash.
file verification SUCCEEDED
Firmwaredownload completes successfully.
user Specify a user name in quotation marks; for
example, "jdoe". This user name is used to gain
access to the host computer or directory where the
firmware package resides. This operand is required.
file Specify a path and file name in quotation marks; for
example, "/pub/dist/v2.6.0". Absolute
pathnames may be specified using forward slash
(/). Relative pathnames create the file in the user’s
home directory on UNIX hosts, and in the directory
where the FTP server is running on Windows hosts.
This operand is required. This operand is specific to
pfile Specify a fully qualified path and file name; for
example, “/pub/dist/system.plist”. Absolute path
names may be specified using forward slash (/).
Relative path names create the file in the user’s
home directory on UNIX hosts, and in the directory
where the FTP server is running on Windows hosts.
This operand is required. This operand is specific to
passwd Specify a password. The passwd is only required for
FTP firmware downloads. This operand is required,
but may be NULL.