1-170 EMC Connectrix DS-32B2 and ED-12000B Fabric OS Reference Manual
Telnet Commands
fspfShowDisplay FSPF protocol information.
Syntax fspfShow
Availability All users
Description Use this command to display the Fibre-Channel Shortest Path First
(FSPF) protocol information, and internal data structures. FSPF is
implemented by a single task, called tFspf.
Table1-11 shows the fields displayed:
Table 1- 11 fspfShow Fields
Field Description
version Version of FSPF protocol.
domainID Domain number of local switch.
switchOnline State of the local switch. v4.0 only.
domainConfirmed Domain of the local switch is currently confirmed.v4.0
isl_ports Bit map of all E_Ports.
trunk_ports Bit map of all the trunk ports. v4.0 only.
f_ports Bit map of all the Fx_Ports. v4.0 only.
seg_ports Bit map of all the segmented ports. v4.0 only.
active_ports Bit map of all the ONLINE ports. v4.0 only.
minLSArrival FSPF constant.
minLSInterval FSPF constant.
LSoriginCount Internal variable.
startTime Start time of tFspf task (milliseconds from boot).
fspfQ FSPF input message queue.
fabP Pointer to fabric data structure.