Troubleshooting the Problem A-3
Customer Support
Troubleshooting the ProblemPlease perform the relevant diagnostic steps before you contact the
EMC Customer Support Center:
1. Read the documentation carefully.
2. Reconstruct the events leading up to the problem and describe
them in writing.
3. Run some test cases to reproduce the problem.
If you encounter a problem that requires technical programming or
analysis, call the nearest EMC office or contact the EMC Customer
Support Center at one of the following numbers:
United States: (800) 782-4362 (SVC-4EMC)
Canada: (800) 543-4782 (543-4SVC)
Worl dw i de : (508) 497-7901
Please do not request a specific support representative unless one has already
been assigned to your particular system problem.
For additional information on the EMC products and services
available to customers and partners, refer to the EMC Powerlink Web
site at: