1-410 EMC Connectrix DS-32B2 and ED-12000B Fabric OS Reference Manual
Telnet Commands
spinFabTest for Cascaded switch ISLs.
Syntax spinfab [-nmegs nmill][-ports list][-setfail failmode]
[-domain domain]
Availability Admin
Description Use this command to verify the intended functional operation of the
ISLs betw een swi tches a t the ma ximum sp eed of 2 Gb/s by setting up
the routing hardware such that test frames received by each E_Port
retransmitted on the same E_Port. Several frames are then sent to the
neighbor port attached to each active E_Port specified. Since the
default action for such frames (which never occur for normal traffic)
is to route them back to the sender, the frames that are sent in this
manner will circulate until the test stops them.
The frames are continuously transmitted and received in all ports in
parallel. The port LEDs flicker green rapidly while the test is running.
While the frames are circulating, the RX frame count and port CRC
and encoder error statistics will be monitored and errors will be
generated if a port stops or a low-level error occurs. Every one-
million frames the circulating frames will be captured to verify that
they are still circulating and that they are still in order. In this manner
the entire path to the remote switch may be verified.
The switch remains in normal operation while this test runs; however
some performance degradation occurs due to the ISLs being
saturated with test frames. Because of this, you should use caution
when running this test on live fabrics. Consider only testing one ISL
at a time, and do not run the tests for extended periods of time.
This test is best combined with the online crossPorttest for ISL
failure isolation. If this test fails, replace the cable with a loop-back
plug and run the crossport test to verify the local switch and GBIC. If
these pass, then the fault lies in the cable or remote switch/GBIC.
The frames are continuously transmitted and received in all ports in
parallel. The port LEDs flicker green rapidly while the test is running.