1-334 EMC Connectrix DS-32B2 and ED-12000B Fabric OS Reference Manual
Telnet Commands
portErrShowDisplay port error summary.
Syntax portErrShow
Availability All users
Description Use this command to display an error summary for all ports. The
display contains one output line per port and shows error counters in
ones, thousands (K), or millions (M).
The following fields are displayed as shown in Table 1-21:
Operands None
Table 1- 21 portErrShow Fields
Fields Description
frames tx Frames transmitted.
frames rx Frames received.
enc in Encoding errors inside frames.
crc err Frames with CRC errors.
too shrt Frames shorter than minimum.
too long Frames longer than maximum.
bad eof Frames with bad end-of-frame delimiters.
enc out Encoding error outside of frames.
disc c3 Class 3 frames discarded.
link fail Link failures (LF1 or LF2 states).
loss sync Loss of synchronization.
loss sig Loss of signal.
frjt Frames rejected with F_RJT.
fbsy Frames busied with F_BSY.