Command Differences Between Versions 3-11
Fabric OS Version Comparison
qlShow Yes No Not supported in v4.0
qlStatsShow Yes No Not supported in v4.0
quietMode Yes No Not supported in v4.0
ramTest Yes No Not supported in v4.0
reboot Yes Yes Reboots entire chassis in
routeHelp Yes Yes
sensorShow Yes Yes
setesdmode No Yes New command for v4.0
setmfgmode No Yes New command for v4.0
setSfpMode Yes Yes
setSplbMode Yes Yes
sfpShow Yes Yes Addition of the slot operand
slotOff No Yes Specific to the ED-12000B
slotOn No Yes Specific to the ED-12000B
slotpoweroff No Yes Specific to the ED-12000B
slotpoweron No Yes Specific to the ED-12000B
slotShow No Yes Specific to the ED-12000B
snmpMibCapSet Yes Yes
spinFab Yes Yes New operands in v4.0
spinSilk Yes Yes New operands in v4.0
sramRetentionTest Yes Yes New operands in v4.0
statsTest Yes Yes New operands in v4.0
supportShow Yes Yes Addition of the slot operand
switchBeacon Yes Yes
switchCfgSpeed Yes Yes
Table 3- 1 Fabric OS Command Version Support (continued)
Command Supported in v3.0 Supported in v4.0 Notes