1-356 EMC Connectrix DS-32B2 and ED-12000B Fabric OS Reference Manual
Telnet Commands
Operands This command has the following operands:
Example To display the port routing tables for blade 4, port 15:
switch:admin> portRouteShow 4/15
port address ID: 0x02bf00
external unicast routing table:
1: 0x4 (vc=3)
2: 0x10000 (vc=0)
internal unicast routing table:
60: 0x8000 (vc=2)
63: 0x1000 (vc=5)
multicast routing table:
0-255: (all mcast aliases) 0x40
broadcast routing table:
See Also bcastShow
slotnumber Specify the slot number in an ED-12000B
switch. The slot number must be followed by a
slash ( / ) and the port number.
The ED-12000B has a total of 10 slots counted
from 1 to 10. Slot number 5 and 6 are control
processor cards, and slot 1 through 4 and 7
through 10 are switch cards. On each switch
card, there are 16 ports counted from the
bottom 0 to 15. A particular port must be
represented by both slot number (1 through 4
or 7 through 10) and port number (0 through
This operand is not required for switches that
do not have blades.
portnumber Specify the port number to be displayed. Valid
values for port number vary depending on the
switch type. This operand is required.